SAM tracks student movement across postsecondary institutions to provide a more complete picture of undergraduate student progress and completion within the higher education system.
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SAM Colleges & Universities
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See student outcomes for over 600 SAM participating institutions!
- Bachelor's Model
Student Achievement Measure (SAM)
National First-time, Full-time Bachelor's Model
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Transferred & Graduated: Other Institution
Enrolled: Reporting institution
Transferred & Enrolled: Other Institution
Current Status Unknown
*Not an actual IPEDS category
*This is an example of one institution that participates in SAM
What does SAM tell us about the national picture of student completion?
- 67% of full-time bachelor’s-seeking students who started in Fall 2012 graduated after 6 years
- 55% of first-time full-time students completed their bachelor’s degree at the institution where they started
- An additional 12% completed their degree after transferring to another institution
- The federal graduation rate only reports outcomes for students seeking bachelor’s degrees who start and finish at the same institution
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- 粗鲁并真实着 ... 一对小夫妻的成人夜话 (未满18岁 请勿进入 ...:2021-4-18 · 某公司前段时间公司老板开恩,请大伣吃饭。饭后略带醉意的遇艳,春心荡漾。。回家找老婆求爱。。她戏谑说:“说好一周只一次的,省省吧,一个套子就是好几块,顶上 ... 粗鲁并真实着 ... 一对小夫妻的成人夜话 (未满18岁 请勿进入) ,天府社区
VSA Analytics offers exclusive access to institutions to compare institutional data on SAM and 25 other key performance indicators. Benchmark your peers from a dataset aggregated from 4 data sources–IPEDS, NSF, SAM, and the College Scorecard which contains data on over 4,400 institutions.